Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7

Report - Essay Example The proposal addresses the need to support education and recommends way in which the company can be involved in the education sector without affecting the profitability of the company. Table of Contents Transmittal 2 Table of Contents 3 Executive summary 4 Introduction 5 Problem statement 5 Methodology 6 Findings 6 Analysis 7 Conclusion 7 Reference 9 Executive summary KMPG is an international organization that needs to develop a global appeal. Global appeal will ensure the development of positivity towards the company. The company operates in many countries making it effective and creates the need for fully trained locals to handle its operations. The company can offer scholarships to international students which is an integral in the development of highly effective workforce. However, the demand for scholarship has been high especially for international students. The criteria of acceptance must be based on performance, integrity and character. The evaluation of the needy students an d linking them with the company after the study can ensure that the financial approach used in the sponsoring the student can be recouped by tying them to the company for one year after graduation. Therefore, by offering internships and scholarships the company can improve its reputation as a company and develop talents and workforce in the society. The beauty of the scholarships is they offer long lasting impression on the society (Legge, 2005, p. 134). Introduction From the past trends, the companies offering scholarships have experienced growth in their operations and brand strength. For KMPG, involvement in labor and skill development will facilitate global appeal and encourage interested students and graduates to pursue employment in the company. Good brands encourage employee development and facilitate skills and professional development (Fisher, 2000, p. 67). The company must get involved in sponsoring students especially from the international community to ensure that succes s is achieved in the countries of operation. It is advisable for the company to engage in skill and professional development because of the beauty associated with the corporate social responsibility. The company’s image will be greatly improved in the development of the scholarship program which is vital in supporting international students in the learning process. The development of the financial support for education is vital in the society because it facilitates improvement of education in the country. However, several scholarship programs employ the use of diverse evaluation to identify the needy students in the society which makes the whole process complex and may lock out some needy students. Therefore, the methodology used to identify the needy students must be effective and transparent. Problem statement The financing of graduate education by KMPG can facilitate increased education access for graduate program and reduce the over reliance on the established scholarship programs. However, the selection and financing of the students can be a major challenge. Methodology The method employed in data collection is analysis of the current performance of the various institutions engaging in the education financing especially in the developmen

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Research Methods Chapter: Filipino Work Values in Education

Research Methods Chapter: Filipino Work Values in Education Chapter II METHOD OF THE STUDY The descriptive-correlation method is utilized to describe the general characteristics of the respondents in this study and to examine the existing relationship or differences between work values, job satisfaction and work performance. This method enables the researcher to make a thorough analysis of the relationship between the indicators of FWVS, JSS and the results of the Teachers’ Efficiency Rating of the respondents. Specifically, descriptive method was used to define the respondents’ dominant work values, level of job satisfaction and the level of work performance according to the different indicators given in the utilized tools. Moreover, this method is also used to describe the capacity of work values to determine the future outcomes of job satisfaction and work performance. While, correlation method was utilized to delve on the relationship between the different aspects of work values and job satisfaction, and work values and work performance. INSTRUMENTS/ TECHNIQUES To obtain the pertinent data for this study, standardized tests and evaluation tool were utilized as the main instruments. Standardized tests This study utilized the Filipino Work Values Scale Employee Edition (FWVS EE) The Filipino Work Values Scale (FWVS) is a standardized instrument designed to determine a persons work values. The scale consists of 80 items, distributed into 10 subscales. It takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to accomplish it (Manual, 1987). The 10 subscales are the: Environmental, Familial, Intellectual – Achievement, Interpersonal, Management, Material, Occupation, Organization, Religious and Variety. This tool was rated using the Likert Scale Rating (1 – Very Unimportant, 2 – Unimportant, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Important and 5 – Very Important). This test consists of a test booklet where the general and specific directions were indicated, and a separate answer sheet to indicate the respondents’ answers. This test can be self – administered. The author sought for the permission of the owner of this tool which is attached in Appendix B. To obtain the level of the job satisfaction of the participants, Job Satisfaction Survey by Paul E. Spector was used. The Job Satisfaction Survey, JSS is a 36 item, nine-facet scale to assess employee attitudes about the job and aspects of the job. The nine facets are Pay, Promotion, Supervision, Fringe Benefits, Rewards, Co-workers, Nature of Work, and Communication which are rated from 1 or â€Å"Disagree very much† to 6 or â€Å"Agree very much.† Although the JSS was originally developed for use in human service organizations, it is also applicable in the education setting (Spector, 2001). The survey has an existing norm for teachers in Asian countries. This tool has been widely used and has existing local norm in the Philippines such as in the study conducted by Bansil (2010) in the study entitled â€Å"The relationship of job satisfaction and job performance of call center agents in outbound program† and Rosales and her colleagues (2013), â€Å"Nursesâ€⠄¢ Job Satisfaction and Burnout: Is there a connection?†.The author obtained permission from the local authors who utilized JSS in their local researches for reliability and validity purposes. The copy of the letter of permission was attached in Appendix C. Documentary Analysis The researcher obtained and analyzes the respondents work performance from the institutions previous school years work evaluation, Teachers’ Efficiency Rating. Efficiency Rating tool is a key component of employee development. It is intended to be a fair and balanced assessment of an employees performance (Claret Employee Manual, 1999). Administration. After securing permit from the school administrators, the researcher prepared the materials which are: Filipino Work Values Scale (Employee Edition) which was obtained from the author, Dr. Vicentita Cervera, and the Job Satisfaction Survey by Paul E. Spector, which was obtained from the website and was utilized upon the approval of the author. The tests were self-administered and there was no time allotment. The instructions were indicated in the booklets and answer sheets, where the respondents can readily read the instructions and understood easily. The materials were distributed during the in-service training seminar in the Audio-Visual Room (AVR) of CSQC where all the old and newly hired teachers were required to attend. The researcher was able to obtain the target respondents. The researcher was given 1 hour to conduct the administration of the tests. Other Guidance Counselors facilitated the distribution of the materials while the researcher explained the instructions where ten minutes was consumed. Fifteen to twenty minutes was allotted in answering the FWVS and another ten to fifteen minutes was given in answering the JSS. After each test, the Guidance Counselors collected the materials and proceeded to the inspection of answer sheets. Those answer sheets with incomplete responses and answer sheets of newly hired teachers were eliminated. A total of 109 qualified answer sheets were collected. The checking and scoring of the accomplished FWVS and JSS answer sheets started immediately after the data gathering and this was done for one month. The encoding of responses followed by the end of July, 2014 using the SPSS version 11.5 package. SAMPLING PROCEDURE The researcher utilized the non – probability purposive sampling technique (Rosales, 2013). This method was used based on the given criteria and specifications identified by the researcher. In this technique, the researcher based on his personal judgment in selecting the participants who best meet the purposes of his study. Ariola (2006) explains that whoever qualifies and is available is taken until the desired number of sample is attained. Specifically, stakeholder sampling (Palys, 2014) is utilized, one of the kinds of purposive sampling which is useful in the context of evaluation research and analysis of the teachers’ work values, job satisfaction and work performance, who are also involved in receiving and affected by the program that is designed according to the results. TREATMENT OF DATA Data were computed and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 11.5). Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics included weighted mean to describe the teachers’ dominant work values difference work values, extent of job satisfaction and work performance and linear regression analysis to identify the future outcome of job satisfaction and work performance based on the dominant work values. Pearson – r coefficient of correlation was utilized to determine the correlation of variables and its significance. Weighted Mean. The researcher utilized this computation to get the weighted mean scores of each work values to identify the extent of importance on each work values, criteria of job satisfaction and work performance, with a formula of: ∑x = N/ n To determine the verbal interpretation of work values, this scale was used: Mean RangeDescription 4.50 to 5.00Very Important 3.50 to 4.49Important 2.50 to 3.49Neutral 1.50 to 2.49Unimportant 1.00 to 1.49Very Unimportant To determine the verbal interpretation of the job satisfaction, this scale was used: Mean RangeVerbal Description 5.50 to 6.00Agree very much 4.50 to 5.49Agree moderately 3.50 to 3.49Agree slightly 2.50 to 3.49Disagree slightly 1.50 to 2.49Disagree moderately 1.00 to 1.49Disagree very much To determine the verbal interpretation of the respondents’ work performance, this scale was utilized: Mean RangeDescription 4.5 to 5.0Very Evident 3.5 to 4.4Evident 2.5 to 3.4Fairly Evident 1.5 to 2.4Hardly Evident 1.0 to 1.4Not Evident Pearson – r. The Pearson – r or Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) is used in determining strength of correlation or association between two or more interval or ratio data (Ariola, 2006). This treatment was used to determine the degree and the nature of correlation between work values, job satisfaction and work performance. To determine the degree of relationship that exists between the variables, the following scale was used: If r =+.70 or higherVery strong positive relationship +.40 to +.69Strong positive relationship +.30 to +.39Moderate positive relationship +.20 to +.29weak positive relationship +.01 to +.19No or negligible relationship -.01 to -.19No or negligible relationship -.20 to -.29weak negative relationship -.30 to -.39Moderate negative relationship -.40 to -.69Strong negative relationship -.70 or higherVery strong negative relationship ( To determine the interpretation of the computed generated p – value in comparison with the level of significance, SPSS as used as shown on the scale below: ComparisonDecisionInterpretation P-value < 0.05Reject Ho Significant level of significance p-value > 0.05Accept HoNot Significant level of significance Correlation of coefficient reveals the positive (+) or negative (-) relationship between work values (x variable) and job satisfaction or work performance criteria (y variable). Positive significant relationship explains that as the x variable increases, y variable also increases, and vice – versa. Additionally, the significance of relationship of work values was based on the Ï  – value, where the computed Ï  – value

Friday, October 25, 2019

Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers

Of Mice and Men The title of the story is Of Mice and Men. The date of it's original publication was in 1937 The authors name was John Steinback. He was born in 1902 and died in 1968. The main character is named Lenny. Lenny is a big man. Lenny is mentally retarded and is cared for by his friend George. George is a small and stubby. George is the only friend that Lenny has and is his savior in every dumb thing Lenny does. George was basically given the job of caring for Lenny. A few miles from the Salinas River. Close to the hillside banks. In a very nice southern area with a river, mountains, and beautiful sandy land. The narrator is John Steinback. Lenny was a mentally retarded guy that had a fascination with mice. Lenny and George had a dream of having their own farm with many animals. Lenny especially wanted mice in his farm. But they had to work on farms in order to get money to fulfill their dreams. But every time that they would work on a farm Lenny would find a way to get them fired. When they got to work on this farm with many people they met a guy that had the same dream as Lenny and George. There was a woman who was Curly's wife. She would try to seduce Lenny into a relationship but Lenny wasn't very conscious of it. Curly's wife began to talk to Lenny and then Lenny was petting her hair and with his enormous strength broke her neck. Lenny was told by George that if he ever got into any trouble then he should meet him in safe place.George found Lenny there and shot him in the back of the head. The general tone was calm and at the same time sad. I liked the style because he wrote the story so realistically. The grammar was written in a southern way. Kind of like they do in the southern areas. I think that the story's main theme was a life full of the unexpected.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reaction Paper: the Exorcism of Emily Rose

THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE REACTION PAPER Many years ago, there was part of history in Heaven, where angels fought against God. The war broke out after one angel, named Lucifer the light bearer, became envious about God’s power. Lucifer gathered his own army of angels. The battle led into an extermination of distrustful angels in heaven. Lucifer was defeated by Michael, God’s Archangel. The fallen angels of Lucifer fell on earth and Lucifer was banished by God into a place where he could never do anything evil in Heaven. Lucifer roams on earth in another name, called Satan, the prince of darkness.In the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, there was a big misunderstanding about the death of a certain girl, named Emily Rose. The movie started when Emily was found dead. More stories about the life of Emily were just flashed back in the trial court. In the scene, Fr. Richard Moore was charged of negligent homicide after doing the rite of exorcism. Experts in the field of psy chology, neurology and medicine were called to explain the causes of Emily’s death. Most of the experts said and agreed that Emily was suffering from epilepsy and psychosis. Some experts stated that Fr.Moore’s advice led to the death of Emily Rose. As a justification about the movie, I believe that Emily’s death was caused by demonic possession. Her actions were not the results, caused by epilepsy and psychosis. With her actions narrated by some citizen who knew her, I believe that she was truly possessed by demons. Some said that her actions were inhumane and scary. As what was Fr. Richard Moore was telling, he witnessed that Emily’s actions and movements were manipulated by some evil forces surrounding her. One who is being possessed shows the symptoms of uncontrollable strength raging from the victim’s body.Some people who were possessed had more than one demon possessing them. That is why the possessed are strong and scary. Only the power of Go d through the use of his servants can extract demonic possession. As what I believe of being a Christian, I believe that those people who have less faith will easily fall in Satan’s hands. To avoid such incident, we must know how to pray to God. We must not rely on our own human nature, for it has no match against Satan’s dark powers. We must try to live in accordance to God’s will for he alone knows what is right and wrong.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hunger Games power of appearance Essay

In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character Katniss, is influenced not only be her personal wants and needs but also by the emotions of the people watching her. By carefully controlling the things she says and does, Katniss aims to present herself to the audience the way she wants them to percieve her. She aims to appear in love with Peeta in order to capture the hearts of the audience and the capital. She shows that she is smart and skilled in hopes of gaining sponsors. Lastly, she acts innocent to deceive President Snow. Strategically, she appears each of these ways at different times all in hopes of staying alive, wining the games and hopefully returning home to her family. While it may seem as if Katniss’ act to win over the audience began when she volunteered in place of her sister Prim at the reaping, this action came more out of love and protection for her sister than out of a desire to earn fans. Her real act starts during the opening ceremonies. Throughout this time, she begins to realize that if she is going survive she will have to hide her often hostile and unfriendly demeanor and appear likable to the audience who is ultimately responsible for keeping her alive. Her mentor, Haymitch, tells her that she has â€Å"as much charm as a dead slug† (117) which will get her nowhere with her new audience. When she appears during the opening ceremonies in the gown of fire holding Peetas’ hand, they stun the people of the capital with their beauty and togetherness and win their hearts for the first time. After this outing she must keep her appearance of togetherness strong if she has any desire to go far. Following the ceremonies, Peeta gave her a sweet smile, which she responds to with a kiss on the cheek all the while thinking to herself, â€Å"two can play that game† (72). This forced reaction is the start of her appearance and act of love. This desire to act in love with Peeta is the driving desire throughout the novel. This love is what really gives Katniss a chance in winning the games because not only does it make Katniss appear desirable, but also their togetherness makes the audience want them to survive. When Peeta first tells the audience during his interview with Caesar Flickerman that there is â€Å"one girl†(138) he has had a crush on forever and follows this by saying â€Å"she came here with me†(138) the audience immediately knows it must be Katniss and their relationship as star crossed lovers becomes a genuine thing for the audience to follow. While in the arena, Katniss is initially on her own, but without her knowledge, Peeta is continuing their romantic appearance by making choices that help keep Katniss alive. The popularity of their romance is what Katniss believes led to the rule change allowing two tributes from the same district to win. This rule change acted as the turning point in Katniss’ presentation of herself. Up until this point, all she has done is â€Å"managed not to kill him† (247) but when the rule changes she realizes it is time to fall in love again. She starts right away with a smile towards the camera in hopes of displaying to the capital her thrill that she no longer has to kill her one true love. Now it becomes Katniss’ turn to play into the â€Å"star crossed lover† theme by finding Peeta and saving his life. When caring for Peeta, she kisses him for the first time and is rewarded with a pot of hot broth and the connection between affection and rewards is cemented in place. If she wants to keep Peeta and herself alive she is going to have to give the audience something to really care about. â€Å"Star crossed lovers desperate to get home together. Two hearts beating as one. Romance,† (261) she thinks to herself, understanding that this is her ticket to win. The appearance of love is very difficult for Katniss to portray because not only is she not in love with Peeta, but she has never been in love. She turns the cave that they take refuge in into a love nest to help develop their love story. They spend many nights curled up together with kisses strategically timed to strengthen their romance for the audience. â€Å" I lean over and give Peeta a long, lingering kiss. I imagine the teary sighs emanating from the Capitol and pretend to brush away a tear of my own.†(281) Her believability is crucial to maintain fans and with time she hones her skills, knowing that the more in love she acts the better her chances of survival. When it comes down to saving Peeta’s life, Katniss must go to the feast and get him the medicine. While she knows this is risking her life, she also knows that just sitting there and watching him die is not an option and â€Å"the audience would hate (her)†(275) for that. The audience support is crucial so late in the games and having them hate her is no way to receive any help. Again, as a result of her good acting the audience follows through by sending her sleep syrup for Peeta, which allows her to go to the feast and get what will hopefully be medicine. This medicine saved Peetas’ life, subsequently saving her lover act. When they are on the verge of starvation, she knows she must improve her appearance of love to the audience in order to get help from a sponsor. She does this expertly, when talking to Peeta about having her attention. She tells him he doesn’t, â€Å"have much competition anywhere† (302) followed by a meaningful kiss. This does the trick and within a minute they are receiving a parachute filled with a feast and in her head she can hear Haymitches’ words saying, â€Å"Yes, that’s what I’m looking for sweetheart.†(302) If she had not played up their love in this situation they may have both starved to death ruining any chance of making it home. Her presentation of love continues until the very end, when they are the last two left and the rule changes to only allow one victor. How could Katniss possibly kill her â€Å"lover†? As an answer to this, they hold poisonous berries in their hands, kiss goodbye, and put them to their lips. In the nick of time, the trumpets blare announcing both as victors. Their love, which Katniss played up throughout the games, allowed them both to survive and the audience to have their happy ending. The necessity to keep the appearance of love alive does not end after the games are over. Because of her stint with the berries in the arena, Katniss is in trouble with the capital for showing them up. Haymitch warns her that her only defense is that, â€Å"you were so madly in love you weren’t responsible for your actions† (357). Now appearing in love is not only directed towards the audience but specifically towards the Gamemakers and President Snow. Love kept her alive in the arena and she needs it again to stay alive now that she is out. The girl-driven- crazy-by-love must now be coupled with an air of innocence if she wants to survive. As soon as she is in front of the audience and reunited with Peeta the desperation to look in love hits her, and she is practically on top of him kissing him all over. During the closing interview, her look of love is crucial and she follows through talking about how she first knew she was in love with him when there was the rule change and the â€Å"chance she could keep him†(368). She adds to this saying she is going to put him somewhere where he cannot get hurt, which is met with a sigh from the audience. When defending her decision with the berries she keeps the appearance going explaining what was going on in her mind, â€Å"I don’t know, I just.. Couldn’t bear the though of †¦being without him.†(369) This seals the deal of love and innocence, which keeps her and Peeta alive†¦for now. While appearing in love with Peeta was the major way Katniss was able to get sponsors and survive, it was not the only way she aimed to present herself. Showing the audience that she was skilled, strong and smart was also an important part of her survival in the games. Not only were these attributes a literal part of her survival but by presenting herself strategically in these ways, coupled with her loveable side she was able to really win over her fan base. The first time the audience learns she is skilled is by her extremely high training room score of 11. She earns this score with her jaw dropping performance with the bow and arrow, but no one outside the game makers knows how she received it. After starting out with such a bang, once in the arena she must hold the audience’s attention if she wants to be noticed. She first thinks about her camera performance when she says, â€Å"I need to look one step ahead of the game,†(164) cocking her head slightly and giving th e camera a knowing smile. This occurs when faced with the surprise that Peeta has grouped up with the careers. She figures this way she can appear to the capital to be on top of things rather than show the perplexity she truly feels. When she senses that she has the screen of the capital, she is careful to hide her emotions and consider the reaction each of her behaviors might have. By hiding her emotions and showing her mental strength she shows the audience that she will be able to make it far in the games and that she is a deserving tribute for them to bet on and sponsor. She shows her physical strength after being attacked by the fire and contracting serious burns, â€Å"pity does not get you aid. Admirations at your refusal to give in do†(179) she thinks to herself as a response to her pain. Her perseverance shows that she is deserving of help when she really needs it. The burn cream she receives that enables her to be productive again is a gift from sponsors that see her potential because the way she has presented herself. Katniss understands that the events in the arena are all for show and her ability to portray herself in certain fashions allow her to be partially in control of this show. Her ability to hone her appearance to be one of love, strength, skill and smarts is what in the end enables her to win the Hunger Games. If she had approached the games as a normal competition rather than a televised event, her success would have been arguably different.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Monologue for Women From the Play Tomorrows Wish

A Monologue for Women From the Play Tomorrows Wish The following is a monologue from the three-act play  Tomorrow’s Wish,  written and shared by Wade Bradford. Tomorrows Wish is a comedy-drama including some elements of fantasy. The story is about a 16-year-old character, Megan Pomerville, who has to deal with her strange yet friendly cousin, Juniper. Juniper was homeschooled and has lived a sheltered life, but Megans perspective changes when she finds out Junipers secret. This original  comedic female monologue  is available to be  used by students, actors, and directors for educational or professional purposes. The Context of the Monologue Within the Play Juniper is a creative  young woman with learning disabilities. Her cousins believe Juniper is odd because she lives in a small town with her grandmother, sheltered away from most of the world. In this scene, she is talking to her cousin, Megan, about her first and only kiss. The monologue follows: I kissed a boy once. At least I tried. I don’t know if it counts if they don’t kiss back. But I tried to kiss a boy and it almost worked. Most of the time Grandma and I don’t get to see folks much, but we  go into town. Sometimes. And Grandma says I just have to be careful to mind my manners, and Grandma says I’m real good at being careful, but sometimes I get so bored in that little town. Only one video store. Only two churches. And the park only has two swings and a pool that never gets filled up anymore. But in our little town there is a boy named Samuel. Hes a bag-boy at the grocery store. He does it just right and never squishes the eggs.And he has red hair and green eyes. And†¦ (Laughs at the memory.)Freckles all over his face! And Samuel is so nice. So nice to me and Gram. He would always smile and always say â€Å"Thank you† and â€Å"Youre welcome.† If he says, â€Å"Have a nice day,† then you do. That’show good he is at his job. And I always wanted†¦ I always wanted to be close to him, or to talk to him, without Gram around.And one day when Grandma had a really bad cold I got to go to thestore all by myself. And I bought some oyster crackers and some medicine. Then I got to watch Samuel all by myself. Watch him do his bag boy job. I just stared and stared, trying to count all of those handsome freckles. Then, he asked if there was anything else I wanted. I just whispered â€Å"Yes.† (Pauses, closes eyes in remembrance.) And then I grabbed him by the ears and MmmmmmmMM! (Pretends she’s grabbing and kissing him.) That was my first kiss. It was the most romantic moment of my life. Until the manager pulled me off of him. - Juniper How to Memorize the Monologue Readers should read the monologue several times and read the words aloud. Then, it is suggested to make a list of any questions while reading. All actors should thoroughly read the complete play that their monologue comes from, so ideally, readers should access a copy of  Tomorrows Wish. The complete script is available in print and online, and the paperback edition is available on and the Kindle Store. Breaking the monologue into sections for memorization is recommended. This way, readers can work on memorizing one section at a time. As they memorize, its important to keep in mind that Juniper is speaking to her cousin Megan. Readers should give some consideration to how Megan is reacting to Junipers words. Then, readers can return to the list of questions and either find the answers within the larger script or make up the answers. That way, readers can feel as thoroughly familiar with this character as possible. Finally, readers should practice their monologue for anyone who will listen. They can deliver it aloud and as often as possible for an audience of one, or many, before performing it for an audition or within a performance.

Monday, October 21, 2019

SPSS analysis on modern portfolio theory-optimal portfolio strategies in today’s capital market The WritePass Journal

SPSS analysis on modern portfolio theory-optimal portfolio strategies in today’s capital market Introduction SPSS analysis on modern portfolio theory-optimal portfolio strategies in today’s capital market IntroductionResearch MethodologyResults and Data AnalysisConclusion and Implications of Research FindingsReferencesRelated Abstract This paper provides information on specific ideas embedded in single index model/construction of optimal portfolios compared to the classic Markowitz model. Important arguments are presented regarding the validity of these two models. The researcher utilises SPSS analysis to demonstrate important research findings. This type of analysis is conducted to explore the presence of any significant statistical difference between the variance of the single index model and the Markowitz model. The paper also includes implications for investors. Introduction In the contemporary environment involving business investments, selecting appropriate investments is a relevant task of most organisations. Rational investors try to minimise risks as well as maximise returns on their investments (Better, 2006). The ultimate goal is to reach a level identified as optimal portfolios. The focus in this process is on initiating the portfolio selection models, which are essential for optimising the work of investors. Research shows that the Markowitz model is the most suitable model for conducting stock selection, as this is facilitated through the use of a full covariance matrix (Bergh and Rensburg, 2008). The importance of this study reflects in the application of different models so as to develop adequate portfolios in organisations. It is essential to compare certain models because investors may be provided with sufficient knowledge about how they can best construct their portfolios. In this context, the precise variance of the portfolio selection model is important, as it reflects portfolio risk (Bergh and Rensburg, 2008). Information on the parameters of different models is significant to make the most appropriate decisions regarding portfolio creation. Markowitz is a pioneer in the research on portfolio analysis, as his works have contributed to enhancing investors’ perspectives on the available options regarding specific models of constructing optimal portfolios (Fernandez and Gomez, 2007). Research Methodology The research question presented in this study referred to the exploration of ideas embedded in single index model/construction of optimal portfolios and comparing them with the classic Markowitz model. The focus was on the construction of optimal portfolios, as the researcher was concerned with the evaluation of constructed portfolios with specific market parameters (Better, 2006). Moreover, the researcher paid attention to the stock market price index, including stocks of organisations distributed in three major sectors: services, financial, and industrial (Fernandez and Gomez, 2007). The behaviour of this index was explored through the implementation of SPSS analysis. The data covered a period of seven years, starting on January 1, 2000 and ending on December 31, 2006. It was essential to evaluate the effectiveness parameters of the single index model/construction of optimal portfolios and the Markowitz model. The criteria for the selection of companies included that all organisati ons shared the same fiscal year (ending each year on December 31) as well as they have not demonstrated any change in position. Results and Data Analysis The research methodology utilised in the study is based on the model of single index/optimal portfolios and the Markowitz model. The exploration of the relationship between these two models required the selection of 35 equally weighted optimal portfolios, as two sizes of portfolio were outlined. An approximate number of 10 optimal portfolios represented the first size, which further generated 12 portfolios. In addition, the researcher considered the option of simulating of optimal portfolios represented at second sizes (Bergh and Rensburg, 2008). The criterion of queuing randomise portfolio selection has been used to generate approximate 23 portfolios from the second size category. The researcher selected five and 10 stocks to analyse the data. The portfolio size split allowed the researcher to explore how the portfolio size could be used to affect the relationship between the single index model/optimal portfolios and the Markowitz model (Fernandez and Gomez, 2007). Results of testin g the data are provided in the table below: Optimal portfolio number Variance of Single Index Model Variance of the Markowitz Model Optimal portfolio number Variance of the Single Index Model Variance of the Markowitz Model 10 0.0037 0.0039 5 0.0021 0.0023 10 0.0014 0.0017 5 0.0028 0.0038 10 0.0021 0.0028 5 0.0042 0.0051 10 0.0020 0.0021 5 0.0025 0.0030 10 0.0031 0.0035 5 0.0026 0.0024 10 0.0019 0.0019 5 0.0033 0.0038 10 0.0088 0.0086 5 0.0067 0.0071 10 0.0028 0.0037 5 0.0037 0.0053 10 0.0025 0.0024 5 0.0038 0.0043 10 0.0022 0.0023 5 0.0021 0.0020 10 0.0019 0.0020 5 0.0063 0.0061 10 0.0023 0.0026 5 0.0212 0.0202 Table 1: Variance of Five and 10 Optimal Portfolios Based on the results provided in the table, it can be concluded that the variance between the single index model/construction of optimal portfolios and the Markowitz model is similar. For instance, values of 0.0020 and 0.0019 for the variance of the two models are similar. This means that the results do not show substantial statistical differences between the two models. The tables below contain a descriptive summary of the results presented in the previous table: Measure Single Index Model Markowitz Model Mean 0.0044 0.0047 Minimal 0.0021 0.0020 Maximum 0.0212 0.0202 Standard Deviation 0.0037 0.0035 Table 2: Descriptive Summary of 10 Optimal Portfolios The results in Table 2 were derived from testing the performance of 10 optimal portfolios. It has been indicated that the mean for the single index model of 10 portfolios is 0.0044, while the mean for the Markowitz model is 0.0047, implying an insignificant statistical difference. The minimal value of the single index model is reported at 0.0021, while the minimal value of the Markowitz model is 0.0020. The difference is insignificant. The maximum value of the single index model is 0.0212, while the same value of the Markowitz model is 0.0202. Based on these values, it can be argued that there is a slight difference existing between the two models. The standard deviation of the single index model is 0.0037, while the standard deviation of the Markowitz model is 0.0035, which also reflects an insignificant statistical difference. Measure Single Index Model Markowitz Model Mean 0.0028 0.0031 Minimal 0.0014 0.0017 Maximum 0.0088 0.0086 Standard Deviation 0.0020 0.0019 Table 3: Descriptive Summary of 5 Optimal Portfolios Table 3 provides the results for five optimal portfolios. These results are similar to the ones reported previously (10 optimal portfolios). The mean for the single index model of 5 optimal portfolios is 0.0028, while the mean for the Markowitz model is 0.0031, implying an insignificant statistical difference. There are insignificant differences between the two models regarding other values, such as minimal and maximum value as well as standard deviation. Furthermore, the researcher performed an ANOVA analysis of 10 optimal portfolios, which are presented in the table below. It has been indicated that the effective score for the single index model and the Markowitz model is almost the same. Yet, an insignificant difference was reported between the two means and standard deviations for both models. ANOVA Analysis Sum of squares Df Condition Mean Standard Deviation Standard Error Mean F Sig. Between Groups .000 1 1.000 .003125 .0018704 .0005399 .089 .768 Within Groups .000 22 2.000 .002892 .0019589 .0005655 Total .000 23 Table 4: ANOVA Analysis for the Variance between the Single Index Model and the Markowitz Model of 10 Portfolios From the conducted analysis, it can be also concluded that the F-test presents an insignificant statistical value, implying that the researcher rejected the hypothesis of a significant difference existing between portfolio selections with regards to risk in both models used in the study (Fernandez and Gomez, 2007). Hence, the hypothesis of a significant difference between the variance of the single index model and the Markowitz model was rejected (Lediot and Wolf, 2003). In the table below, the researcher provided the results of an ANOVA analysis conducted on five optimal portfolios: ANOVA Analysis Sum of Squares Df Condition Mean Standard Deviation Standard Error Mean F Sig. Between Groups .000 1 1.000 .004852 .0036535 .0007618 .096 .758 Within Groups .001 44 2.000 .004509 .0038595 .0008048 Total .001 45 Table 5: ANOVA Analysis for the Variance between the Single Index Model and the Markowitz Model of 5 Portfolios The results from Table 5 show that the variance between the single index model and the Markowitz model of five optimal portfolios is almost the same. Regardless of the stock number in the selected optimal portfolios, there is no significant statistical difference between the single index model and the Markowitz model. The main finding based on the reported data is that the single index model/construction of optimal portfolios is similar to the Markowitz model with regards to the formation of specific portfolios (Bergh and Rensburg, 2008). As indicated in this study, the precise number of stocks in the constructed optimal portfolios does not impact the final result of comparing the two analysed models. The fact that these models are not significantly different from each other can prompt investors to use the most practical approach in constructing optimal portfolios (Haugen, 2001). Placing an emphasis on efficient frontiers is an important part of investors’ work, as they are focused on generating the most efficient portfolios at the lowest risk. As a result, optimally selected portfolios would be able to generate positive returns for organisations. This applies to both the single index model and the Markowitz model (Fernandez and Gomez, 2007). Conclusion and Implications of Research Findings The results obtained in the present study are important for various parties. Such results may be of concern to policy makers, investors as well as financial market participants. In addition, the findings generated in the study are similar to findings reported by other researchers in the field (Bergh and Rensburg, 2008). It cannot be claimed that either of the approaches has certain advantages over the other one. Even if the number of stocks is altered, this does not reflect in any changes of the results provided by the researcher in this study. Yet, the major limitation of the study is associated with the use of monthly data. It can be argued that the use of daily data would be a more viable option to ensure accuracy, objectivity as well as adherence to strict professional standards in terms of investment (Better, 2006). In conclusion, the similarity of the single index model and the Markowitz model encourage researchers to use both models equally because of their potential to generate optimal portfolios. Moreover, the lack of significant statistical differences between the variance of the single index model and the Markowitz model can serve as an adequate basis for investors to demonstrate greater flexibility in the process of making portfolio selection decisions (Haugen, 2001). The results obtained in the study were used to reject the hypotheses that were initially presented. As previously mentioned, the conducted F-test additionally indicates that the single index model and the Markowitz model are almost similar in scope and impact (Fernandez and Gomez, 2007). Investors should consider that portfolio selection models play an important role in determining the exact amount of risk taking while constructing optimal portfolios. Hence, investors are expected to thoroughly explore those models while they select their portfolios (Garlappi et al., 2007). Both individual and institutional investors can find the results generated in this study useful to facilitate their professional practice. A possible application of the research findings should be considered in the process of embracing new investment policies in the flexible organisational context (Bergh and Rensburg, 2008). Future research may extensively focus on the development of new portfolio selection models that may further expand the capacity of organisations to improve their performance on investment risk taking indicators. References Bergh, G. and Rensburg, V. (2008). ‘Hedge Funds and Higher Moment Portfolio Performance Appraisals: A General Approach’. Omega, vol. 37, pp. 50-62. Better, M. (2006). ‘Selecting Project Portfolios by Optimizing Simulations’. The Engineering Economist, vol. 51, pp. 81-97. Fernandez, A. and Gomez, S. (2007). ‘Portfolio Selection Using Neutral Networks’. Computers Operations Research, vol. 34, pp. 1177-1191. Garlappi, L., Uppal, R., and Wang, T. (2007). ‘Portfolio Selection with Parameter and Model Uncertainty: A Multi-Prior Approach’. The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 20, pp. 41-81. Haugen, R. (2001). Modern Investment Theory. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Lediot, O. and Wolf, M. (2003). ‘Improved Estimation of the Covariance Matrix of Stock Returns with an Application to Portfolio Selection’. Journal of Finance, vol. 10, pp. 603-621.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Tiberius, 1st Century Roman Emperor

Biography of Tiberius, 1st Century Roman Emperor The Roman emperor Tiberius (November 16, 42 BCE–March 16, 37 CE) was a very capable military leader and a sensible civic leader who tried to restrain Romes out-of-control budget. But he was also dour and unpopular. He is known primarily for his trial for treason, sexual perversion, and eventually shirking his responsibility by going into seclusion. Fast Facts: Tiberius Known For: Roman Emperor in the first century CEBorn: November 16, 42 BCE on the Palatine Hill, RomeParents: Tiberius Claudius Nero (85–33 BC) and Livia DrusillaDied: March 16, 37 CE in RomeEducation: Studied with Theodous of Gadara and Nestor the AcademicSpouse(s): Vipsania Agrippina (m. 19 BCE), Livia Julia the Elder, (m. 11 BCE)Children: Drusus Julius Caesar (with Vipsania), Julia, Ti Gemellus, Germanicus (all with Julia) Early Life Tiberius was born on November 16, 42 BCE on the Palatine Hill or at Fundi; he was the son of the Roman quaestor Tiberius Claudius Nero (85–33 BC) and  his wife Livia Drusilla. In 38 BCE, Livia was forced to divorce Tiberius Nero to become the wife of the first Roman emperor Augustus. Tiberius Nero died when Tiberius was 9 years old. Tiberius studied rhetoric with Theodorus of Gadara, with Nestor the Academic and perhaps with Athaneaus the Peripatetic. He became fluent in Greek and meticulous in Latin. In his early civic career, Tiberius defended and prosecuted at court and before the Senate. His successes at court included the securing of a charge of high treason against Fannius Caepio and Varro Murena. He reorganized the grain supply and investigated irregularities in slave barracks where free people were detained improperly and where draft dodgers pretended to be slaves. Tiberius political career soared: he became quaestor, praetor, and consul at a young age, and  received the power of a tribune for five years. Marriage and Family In 19 BCE, he married Vipsania Agrippina, the daughter of the renowned general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (Agrippa); and they had a son, Drusus Julius Caesar. In 11 BCE, Augustus forced Tiberius to divorce Vipsania and marry his daughter Livia Julia the Elder, who was also the widow of Agrippa. Julia had three children with Tiberius: Julia, Ti Gemellus, and Germanicus. Early Military Accomplishments Tiberiuss first military campaign was against the Cantabrians. He then went to Armenia where he restored Tigranes to the throne. He collected missing Roman standards from the Parthian court. Tiberius was sent to govern the long-haired Gauls and fought in the Alps, Pannonia, and Germany. He subjugated various Germanic peoples and took 40,000 of them  as prisoners. He then settled them in homes in Gaul. Tiberius received an ovation and a triumph in 9 and 7 BCE. In 6 BCE, he was ready to accept command of the eastern Roman forces, but instead, at what would seem to be a height of power, he abruptly retired to the island of Rhodes. Julia and Exile By 6 BCE, Tiberius marriage to Julia had gone sour: by all accounts, he regretted leaving Vipsania. When he retired from public life, Julia was banished by her father for her immoral behavior. His stay on Rhodes lasted at least eight years, between 6 BCE and 2 CE, during which time he wore a Greek cloak and slippers, spoke Greek to the townspeople, and attended philosophical lectures. Tiberius tried earlier to return to Rome when his tribunician power ended, but his petition was denied: thenceforth he was referred to as The Exile. After Lucius Caesar died in 2 CE, Tiberius mother Livia arranged for his recall, but to do that, Tiberius had to renounce all political aspirations. However, in 4 CE after all other likely successors had died, Augustus adopted his step-son Tiberius, who in turn had to adopt his nephew Germanicus. For this, Tiberius received tribunician power and a share of Augustuss power and then came home to Rome. Later Military Accomplishments and Ascension to Emperor Tiberius was given tribunician power for three years, during which time his responsibilities would be to pacify Germany and suppress the Illyrian revolt. The German pacification ended in disaster in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 CE), when an alliance of Germanic tribes destroyed three Roman legions and their auxiliaries, led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Tiberius did achieve complete submission of the Illyrians, for which he was voted a triumph. He postponed the triumph celebration out of deference to Varus disaster in Germany: but after two years more in Germany, he settled things and put on a triumphal banquet with 1,000 tables. With the sale of his spoils, he restored the temples of Concord and Castor and Pollux. As a result, in 12 CE, the consuls awarded Tiberius joint control of the provinces (co-princeps) with Augustus. When Augustus died, Tiberius, as tribune, convened the Senate where a freedman read Augustus will naming Tiberius as successor. Tiberius called on the praetorians to provide him a bodyguard  but didnt take the title of emperor immediately nor even his inherited title of Augustus. Tiberius as Emperor At first, Tiberius despised sycophants, intervened in matters of state to check abuses and excesses, abolished Egyptian and Jewish cults in Rome, and banished astrologers. He consolidated the Praetorians for efficiency, crushed city riots, and abolished the right of sanctuary. However, his reign turned sour when informers accused Roman men and women of many, even silly crimes that led to capital punishment and confiscation of their estates. In 26 CE, Tiberius exiled himself to Capri, leaving the empire in control of his Socius Laborum (partner of my labors), Lucius Aelius Sejanus. In Capri, Tiberius stopped fulfilling his civic obligations  but instead engaged in licentious acts. Most notorious is his training of little boys to act as nipping minnows or tiddlers, to chase him when he went swimming in the imperial pool, nibbling between his legs. Tiberius mean and vengeful streak caught his erstwhile confidant, Sejanus, accused of conspiracy against the emperor. Sejanus was executed for treason in 31 CE. Until Sejanus was destroyed, people had blamed him for the excesses of the emperor, but with his death, the blame rested solely on Tiberius. The empire continued to run on without the direct input of the emperor, who remained in Capri. During Tiberius exile in Capri, Gaius (Caligula) came to live with Tiberius, who was his adopted grandfather. Tiberius included Caligula as joint heir in his will. The other heir was Tiberius brother Drusus child, still a teenager. Death Tiberius died on March 16, 37 CE, at age 77. He had ruled for nearly 23 years. According to Tacitus, when it looked as though Tiberius would die naturally, Caligula tried to take sole control of the empire. Tiberius, however, recovered. At the request of Caligula, the head of the Praetorian Guard, Macro, stepped in and had the old emperor smothered. Caligula was named emperor. Sources Balmaceda, Catalina. The Virtues of Tiberius in Velleius Histories. Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte 63.3 (2014): 340–63.Rutledge, Steven H. Tiberius Philhellenism. The Classical World 101.4 (2008): 453–67.Seager, Robin. Tiberius. 2nd edition. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1972, 2005.  Syme, Ronald. History or Biography. The Case of Tiberius Caesar. Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte 23.4 (1974): 481–96.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Culture's influence on basic psychological processes Assignment

Culture's influence on basic psychological processes - Assignment Example The community does not consider this practice as a risk to life because they perceive it as a safe culture. Other communities’ maybe perceive canoes as unsafe and primitive to use in an ocean, but to Pulawat island community it is their way of life. Their brains cognitive and perpetual abilities see this as the best way to tackle the problem of crossing to the main land. Culture differs depending on the geographical location and the environment and what is right to one community maybe wrong to another. The Americans are used to cross from the island to the mainland using motor boats which are manufactured in their industries. Pulawat community has, on several times, been challenged to adapt the use of modern boats without success. This shows that culture persists for a long period of time and it takes long time to change (Westen, 12). Until recently, the Pulawat island community has slowly started to adapt modern engine boats because they have been influenced by American culture that canoes are not safe. The community has been highly influenced but in the absence of this influence the community would have continued sticking to their canoes. This implies that an ethnocentric view of culture can have an influence on another community’s culture. In conclusion, cultures are influenced by psychological functions which are coordinated by human brain. Ethnocentric views of one culture can inflict fear to another causing cultural change. Fear is a brain function that in turn influences change of culture. Thus, culture is influenced by psychological functions such as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Aspects of sSteve Jobs, a powerful entrepreneur&apos;s life Essay

Aspects of sSteve Jobs, a powerful entrepreneur's life - Essay Example gerate about their abilities and most people take on a unilateral approach by asserting that it was Steve Jobs who was the real driver of success behind Apple, or those who are supportive of Stephen Wozniak may opt to praise Stephen and regard him as being the primary reason of success in Apple’s case. In my understanding, both approaches are flawed and I firmly believe that due credit of abilities should be given to both personalities and it should be realized that Apple’s success was due to the joint venture of both personalities; both contributed significantly towards developing, manufacturing and marketing the product and ended up winning success that was beyond imagination for many in the industry. In my opinion, if there was no Wozniak, development of superior quality electronic devices was impossible. Similarly, if there was no Steve Jobs, the marketing and selling of Wozniak’s electronic equipment would have been a dream unfulfilled. Therefore, it appears logical to assert that both individuals had been working for their mutual benefits and the puzzle of their success can only be solved if both pieces, Jobs and Wozniak, are put together. Were it not for the decent product that Wozniak designed, Jobs success could have been a remote or impossible prospect. Similarly, if Jobs marketing skills are withdrawn from their picture of success; colors of failure will dominate the picture that is left behind. In my opinion, the idea of discussing Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak in a separate fashion, originated only after the two personalities departed professionally. This incident coincides with the development of Apple II and it appears that the two geniuses underwent considerable stress prior to this decisions. This is reflected by Wozniak’s remarks that he gave upon Steve Jobs’ death, when he said â€Å"It’s like the world lost a John Lennon. We’ve lost something we won’t get back†. The truth is that Wozniak was aware of Jobs capabilities and for

In-Flight Customer Service Excellence at Emirates Dissertation

In-Flight Customer Service Excellence at Emirates - Dissertation Example e Review 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Customer orientation 7 2.3 Customer satisfaction 7 2.4 Customer Service Excellence 9 2.5 Customer perception and attitude 11 2.6 Contact employees and attributes 13 2.7 Attribution Theory 15 2.8 Cabin crew training, selection and staff maintenance 16 Chapter III Methodology 3.1 Research Philosophy 19 3.2 Research Phenomenon 19 3.3 Research Approach 19 3.4 Research Design 21 3.5 Role of the researcher 21 3.6 Data collection 22 3.7 Data Analysis 25 3.8 Ethical concerns 25 3.9 Reliability and Validity 25 Chapter IV Presentation of Results 4.1 Competitor Airlines 27 4.2 Emirate Airlines 32 4.3 Data Analysis 43 Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusion 49 5.2 Recommendations 51 5.3 Limitations 51 References 52 Appendices 56 Tables Chart I Relationship with Emirates 38 Chart II Reasons for traveling Emirates 38 Chart III Service attributes 39 Chart IV Staff & Attributes 39 Chart V Best In-flight Service 40 Chart VI Services Desired 40 Chart VII Service Improvements 41 Chart VIII Staff Rating 41 Chart IX Customer Satisfaction 42 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background Consumers today are enlightened and empowered, and drive the changes in the market place. They are well informed, aware and concerned about products. These have an impact on companies’ go-to-market and service approaches (Baird & Gonzalez-Wertz 2011). Consumer behavior has fundamentally changed with the technological advancements and the old business models are threatened. Marketing professionals have to focus on developing fresh consumer insights which will enable them to transform customer experience. As markets have matured companies that had developed sophisticated but complex business models face tremendous pressure to reduce costs while meeting broad customer...Consumers today are enlightened and empowered, and drive the changes in the market place. They are well informed, aware and concerned about products. These have an impact on companiesâ€℠¢ go-to-market and service approaches (Baird & Gonzalez-Wertz 2011). Consumer behavior has fundamentally changed with the technological advancements and the old business models are threatened. Marketing professionals have to focus on developing fresh consumer insights which will enable them to transform customer experience. As markets have matured companies that had developed sophisticated but complex business models face tremendous pressure to reduce costs while meeting broad customer needs (Hansson, Ringbeck & Franke 2003). Service providers such as the airline have increased the scope their products and services over the decades which has impacted customer expectations. While their aim was to serve larger and more diverse customer base, it resulted in cost structure that is sustainable only when the principal competitors follow the same route (Hansson, Ringbeck & Franke 2003). The traditional carriers received a setback with the advent of technology and when low-cost airlines entered the competition. The low-cost carriers now dictate prices in large and growing parts of the market. This again prompted the larger traditional carriers to change their business model or offer some point of differentiation. One of the areas that airlines could differentiate was in adding value for the customer.

Common ground Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Common ground - Essay Example According to Terris (1999), one sixth of the total land base in our country yielded to development within a short ten year period from 1982 to 1992. This author’s article deals with the issue of a decline or extinction in various species caused by bulldozing down grasslands and forests, thus building towards a plea for the conservation and preservation of wildlife. The article by Shaw (2004) however, does acknowledge that human activity has stripped away a considerable amount of forested land, thereby depriving the wildlife of their habitat; however reforestation has also been active and this has produced a condition where the nation is now a haven for wild animals and many species that were once endangered are not multiplying in record numbers. For wxample, Shaw (2004) cites the example of the bald eagle, whose population was once down to 32 pairs but has now increased to 329 known active bald eagle nests. In providing an argument that urban sprawl has contributed to the decl ine in certain species of wildlife, Terris(1999) provides specific examples of such species that have been out at risk, such as the Florida panther, the pygmy owl, the kangaroo rat and even plant species such as the saguaro cactus. Her analysis is based upon the following main arguments: (a) Development of land for habitation and especially leap frog developments have eroded the natural habitat for wildlife. (b) Patterns of urban growth have produced loss of habitat for several species of wildlife, fragmentation or the breakup of ecosystems and the generalization of ecosystems wherein only the hardy species that can survive on green lawns and stuff from garbage cans are able to survive. (c) Conservation alone cannot save wildlife, what is necessary is control over development patterns, i.e, restricting unfettered and unplanned development and effectively managing growth in such a manner that it protects wildlife The article by Shaw (2004) is based upon two singular aspects; first th e proliferation of wildlife and second, the increasing proximity of humans to wildlife. In support of her claim that reforestation is rekindling many once diminished species, Shaw (2004) offers the following arguments: (a) Natural reforestation is increasing due to the decline in farming, especially in the eastern United States, which is also increasing wildlife (b) Suburbanization or low density development outside the cities provides a variety of habitat and vegetation that is a draw for animals. (c) A new ecology is being established, i.e, with suburbanization, people build new kinds of habitat such as bird feeders, gardens and ornamental nurseries which are breeding grounds for meso mammals, or mid sized species which only need smaller areas to roam (d) Some species such as deer and geese are both wildlife success stories and a cause of nuisance as well. For example, deer can be a nuisance in the form of deer related collisions, carriers of Lyme disease and damage to crops and s eeds. (e) Increasing proximity of wildlife has become a cause of concern in several areas, for example a mountain lion attacked a woman riding a bicycle near a wild life park. (f) On the basis of her arguments, Shaw(2004) argues that there seems to be an apparent compatibility between human and wild life and the growing notion and people can exist side by side with wilds animals. Entrepreneurs are making efforts to build natural sites

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management - Research Paper Example As the world has entered the twenty first century, it has experienced revolutionary changes in many facets of business community. The advancements have not only come under experience in the economic, political, and social sectors but they have transformed and modernized the Industrial sector as well. With the increase in globalization, the business and organizations are emerging on a central platform and universal trade and businesses are expanding their operations to international markets. With the Industrial boom, organizations and enterprises are expanding their business operations as with the increase in world population, the demand for goods and services is escalating, and therefore, in order to meet the customer requirements and to gain a competitive edge over competitors, companies are rising (Brunsson, 2008). Whether a small organization or a giant corporation, management is one of the primary, foremost and the most significant aspect that every organization needs. The management refers to a practice or a course of action that involves successful, valuable, proficient, and competent accomplishment of set of actions and tasks via dealing with other people. Management is a process that makes the maximum use of the tangible assets through integrating couple of people or employees collectively under one umbrella in order to achieve and attain the organization’s aims, targets, missions and visions (Brunsson, 2008). The top person of the management requires a lot of devotion, commitment, determination, and hard work in order to thrive and be successful and achieve the desired outputs and results. In order to become the best or the cream of the crop, an individual should possess, widen, extend and increase their management and cross-functional leadership abilities. The primary and principal factors for any manager or an organization are to identify and evaluate the SWOT analysis that represents the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is vital to reveal the strengths that a person or organization possess, and enhance and refine them up. In addition, the weaknesses should come under recognition by the person or the organization so that with the help of different techniques the weakness can overcome. Organizations must try to convert the weaknesses into opportunities so that they can surmount their weaknesses and can have opportunities to grow themselves. Lastly, the threats that t hey have from their competitors present in the market should come under observation intimately and thoroughly. A successful leader develops all the attributes and elements of leadership, communication, conceptual, interpersonal, and technical abilities and proficiencies (Brunsson, 2008). Management is a theory and process that comes under practice by all institutions whether they are educational, business, or governmental and every individual being a student plays an important role in the building and progress of organizations like school and management. Management Functions Management encompasses several functions with it that includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating/communicating, controlling/monitoring, and budgeting. Planning is the stepping-stone in any management aspect on which the functions of management come under establishment and creation. Planning can come under implementation for any organization in order to accomplish and achieve the companyâ₠¬â„¢s mission, vision, targets and aims that the organization sets for them to flourish and generate revenues. Planning come under performance in the form of developing strategies and methods that the employee practices towards the achievement of organization’

Nature of Justice in the Soul and State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nature of Justice in the Soul and State - Essay Example On a personal view, the definition of justice can be logical based on the fact that the three components of the soul can greatly affect the concept of justice. There is only one question in terms of the fact that reason, spirit and appetite can be considered as subjective or personal. This had been answered in the view that the soul is the microcosm of the state. Due to the fact that soul is hard to analyze, the corresponding events in the state can be studied to be able to understand the soul (Republic 436b8–9). With this analogy, it had been considered that by managing the state well, the soul can achieve happiness. For example, the part of the soul, reason is mainly interested in knowledge. In the state, reason corresponds to philosophers who have the virtue of wisdom. Honor is the main interest of the spirit and is possessed by the warriors who have the virtue of courage. Desire, which is the third component of the soul, can be equated to the commoners since the main inter est is to achieve pleasures. They have the virtue of temperance (Republic 415a-433e). Looking through the different virtues, justice cannot be found. The main view of Plato is that justice can be found in all of the classes in the society, although each one may have different perception of the concept. In the dialogue, different individuals gave their opinions which all had logical points. Cephalus said that justice is about telling the truth and repaying debts, but Socrates pointed out that it can be true but not at all times or situations (Republic 331c). Polemarchus on the other had said that justice is â€Å"giving to each what is owed† but Socrates pointed out that this can alienate the people who had done crimes which can lead to more crimes or wrong doings (Republic 335d). Every speaker in the dialogue had a point specifically Socrates. The other speakers were concerned about the application of the definition of justice to their own field but Socrates was able to prese nt the different sides on a general term. The bottom line in the view of justice, based on the reading then, is that justice does not consider sides, perspectives, virtues, or other elements in the social structure that people deemed important. The main reason for this is impartiality. Plato is right soul and state are the main ground where the rules of justice will be applied. In this case, it is subjective to begin with. There is never an absolute right or an absolute wrong. The view that Plato perceived justice to be in all the classes and all the components of the soul is his own version of impartiality. No matter how he deemed that the philosophers’ roles in the society are the most important in all classes, he still believed that justice can be achieved by the commoners. 2. Characteristics of a Good Citizen and the Possibility of Utopian State There are different definitions of the term citizen depending on the philosophers or the context. Based on Plato’s view i n the Republic, a good citizen participates and contributes to the achievement of the goals of the state. He expressed in his work that the people who participates in governance are the citizen. For the Utopian society, he citizens are the philosophers, while the others are the people being led and ruled over. Plato’s philosophy on good citizen and even the existence of people revolve around the political concepts (Republic 415a-433e). Thoreau described good citizens as active people with goals

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management - Research Paper Example As the world has entered the twenty first century, it has experienced revolutionary changes in many facets of business community. The advancements have not only come under experience in the economic, political, and social sectors but they have transformed and modernized the Industrial sector as well. With the increase in globalization, the business and organizations are emerging on a central platform and universal trade and businesses are expanding their operations to international markets. With the Industrial boom, organizations and enterprises are expanding their business operations as with the increase in world population, the demand for goods and services is escalating, and therefore, in order to meet the customer requirements and to gain a competitive edge over competitors, companies are rising (Brunsson, 2008). Whether a small organization or a giant corporation, management is one of the primary, foremost and the most significant aspect that every organization needs. The management refers to a practice or a course of action that involves successful, valuable, proficient, and competent accomplishment of set of actions and tasks via dealing with other people. Management is a process that makes the maximum use of the tangible assets through integrating couple of people or employees collectively under one umbrella in order to achieve and attain the organization’s aims, targets, missions and visions (Brunsson, 2008). The top person of the management requires a lot of devotion, commitment, determination, and hard work in order to thrive and be successful and achieve the desired outputs and results. In order to become the best or the cream of the crop, an individual should possess, widen, extend and increase their management and cross-functional leadership abilities. The primary and principal factors for any manager or an organization are to identify and evaluate the SWOT analysis that represents the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is vital to reveal the strengths that a person or organization possess, and enhance and refine them up. In addition, the weaknesses should come under recognition by the person or the organization so that with the help of different techniques the weakness can overcome. Organizations must try to convert the weaknesses into opportunities so that they can surmount their weaknesses and can have opportunities to grow themselves. Lastly, the threats that t hey have from their competitors present in the market should come under observation intimately and thoroughly. A successful leader develops all the attributes and elements of leadership, communication, conceptual, interpersonal, and technical abilities and proficiencies (Brunsson, 2008). Management is a theory and process that comes under practice by all institutions whether they are educational, business, or governmental and every individual being a student plays an important role in the building and progress of organizations like school and management. Management Functions Management encompasses several functions with it that includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating/communicating, controlling/monitoring, and budgeting. Planning is the stepping-stone in any management aspect on which the functions of management come under establishment and creation. Planning can come under implementation for any organization in order to accomplish and achieve the companyâ₠¬â„¢s mission, vision, targets and aims that the organization sets for them to flourish and generate revenues. Planning come under performance in the form of developing strategies and methods that the employee practices towards the achievement of organization’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Advertising and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Advertising and communication - Essay Example According to modern view, marketing consists of sensing, stimulating, servicing and satisfying the needs and wants of present and potential customers in more effective and efficient manner than its competitors. The modern concept of marketing communication holds that the key task of organization is to determine the needs, wants and values of the customers and to adopt the organization to delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than its competitors. There are two key elements in this marketing communication concept.Competitiveness in business the world over is so acute that survival is possible for only those organizations, which are ready to employ every possible means to increase profit by reducing cost in production, while remaining uncompromising in quality and aggressive in marketing. The role of marketing communication in modern business practices has been identified as a key factor in survival in modern day business. As part of the search for busine ss effectiveness the entire process of marketing communication is being approached in a comprehensive and unified manner where by all activities of business communication functions in unison. This approach is called Integrated Marketing Communication. This is a relatively new concept in management. It is engineered to harness all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, promotion of sales, public relation, and direct marketing in a highly focused manner eschewing the former tendency of these departments to function in isolation. The account of the phenomenon of Marketing Communication by Aaker, Batra and Myers (1992) constitutes a fair working explanation of the phenomenon: . . . advertising and sales promotions operate together in their impact on the consumer. When designed and run in tandem, they yield power synergies that magnify their individual effects. The ambiguity centered on the definition of IMC has created complexity in assessing the operational efficiency of the process. There are many levels of integration, which produces problems collectively as well as individually. The ideal execution of IMC calls for the sharing of the entire organization. Available Mix Of Advertisement And Communication Methods Advertising is a very complex business. To make the advertisement to go on with the changing time new advertising and modern promotional methods needs to be assessed and compared with traditional available methods. New innovative ideas and media methods uses are to be devised all the time, as the advertising industry switches emphasis from media to media, and as new modern lifestyle trends continuously to develop by new technologies. Traditional and modern view of Advertisement In 1980's and 1990's advertising agencies were commonly 'multi-services' agencies, and they divide their area of operations to handle the creative, production and media-buying processes. There was a huge trend towards junk mail or direct mail and many large consumer brands switched significant advertising spending into direct mail. For small local businesses TV was an increasingly attractive tool. Modern lifestyle and technology developments change the marketing communication and advertisement methods of companies. New method of advertising based on exploiting electronic communications and the 'word of mouth' instinct sometimes referred to as 'Viral marketing'. In today's world Internet advertising is more popular than radio advertising -

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Origins of Human Rights

The Origins of Human Rights Origins of Human Rights Essay – Question 1 ‘How was the idea of rights used to understand the relations between individuals and the state?’ Through the rise of empire, human rights evolves and moulded to fit the shifting political and social changes attributed to the nature between the individual and the state. In particular, several views off several time periods must be observed in order to understand how rights regulated the relationship between the individual and the state. The Social Contract school of thought and the philosophers associated with it are a strong indication of these shifting thoughts: Hugo Grotius (1625), Thomas Hobbes (1651), John Locke (1689), Jean Jacques Rousseau (1762) all discuss this relationship with their own respective theories. Based on these arguments, this essay will aim to show that the idea of rights and their relation to the individual and the state could be understood with the evolution of the concept of what the nation state is. The idea of the role of rights between the individual and the state can be addressed typically under the study of ‘Social Contract’. This school of thought questions the origin of society and the legitimacy of the state’s power over an individual. The arguments often state that an individual, in some form of consent, has willingly forfeited some of their rights and freedoms whilst submitting to an authority which will protect their remaining rights. This is imperative to our understanding of the relationship between the individual and the state for the reason that it deeply explores the prior ‘natural state (the state in which there IS no relationship) and the post political state (Where an institution is created to defend rights). This will be discussed throughout this essay through the opinions of prominent philosophers. In 1625, Hugo Grotius promoted his school of thought during the war between Spain and Portugal and was employed by the Dutch, allowing him to defend ‘seizure in the natural principles of justice’. Grotius furthermore promoted the Natural Rights of individuals, namely that each individual owns natural rights which give their own self-preservation. These natural rights in turn suggested that the power of the state can be returned to the individuals if the political state were to fail the reason it was created. The nature of these examples of natural law could lead one to question how they coincided with their context. Grotius’ ideas as a result reflected both a self-preserving outlook and an emphasis of individuals under their own jurisdiction (Soi Juris). Grotius furthermore notes no significant moral difference between the individual and the state. This draws the conclusion of more justification for the Dutch Trade Empire, stating that ‘It shall be permissib le to acquire for oneself and to retain these things which are useful for life†. Restating that the idea of rights and their relation to the individual and the state evolved alongside the concept of a nation state. Thomas Hobbes in 1651 published his thoughts on the individual and the state in ‘Leviathan’. This stated that an individual deprived of society lived in an anarchic condition which he referred to as â€Å"solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish, and short†. Hobbes takes this incredibly cynical outlook and bolsters the argument that this essay makes in that rights of the individual were a reflection of the nation state. This is due to the English civil war around this period. Furthermore emphasised in writing that individuals had to forsake some of their rights, such as the right to kill, (killing in a war context), if others were to forsake theirs too. Ultimately this would create a supreme authority to preserve their lives and property (eventually a ‘monarch’). These subjects had no rights against the monarch, who himself had moral obligations towards natural law. Seeing the above, we can tell that Hobbes is an absolutism-supporter and states that ‘law is dependent upon the sanction of the sovereign and the government without sword are but words and of no strength to secure a man at all†. This further implies that these rights; absolutist during a civil war, reflect Hobbes emphasising civil law as real law due to the enforcement of a sovereign. John Locke’s theory was outlined in 1689, a theory which differed greatly from Hobbes’ pessimistic â€Å"The natural state is cruel† statement. This theory stated that the individual in the state of nature had a â€Å"reasonably good and enjoyable† life, yet retained the issue that property was insecure. It should be further stated that in this state man had all his natural rights and that, in this natural condition, could be considered completely free due to there being no relationship with the state; i.e. no real civil law or enforcement, yet still retained morality thus being a ‘state of liberty’. Locke, unlike the theorists mentioned above, puts particular emphasis on property in the social contract. According to him, property is made when the individual mixes effort with nature and, given with the above discussion of the law of nature, there are limits as to how much an individual can take. One should only take as much as one can use with out leaving others to suffer for not having enough themselves. This emphasis is grounded by his argument for the relationship of social contract and civil government because it is the protection of physical property, whether it is physical property or the property of their own being, which a man will look for when he seeks to leave the state of nature. Locke continues to write that the property of an individual is insecure in relation to the state of nature due to three strong reasons: The absence of established law, The absence of an impartial judge and the absence of a natural power to execute the natural laws. As said before, man in the state of nature needed to protect their property due to these reasons, and as a resolution entered into a ‘social contract’. Locke states that â€Å"Man did not surrender all their rights to one individual, but surrendered only the right to preserve/maintain order and enforce the law of nature†. As such, the rights to life, lib erty and estate were all retained as these were unable to be separated from the natural rights of man. With the relationship to the state being formed, the individual gained three things: the law, judges to make formal judgements on the law and executive power to enforce the law. Locke writes that â€Å"The purpose of government and law is to uphold and protect the natural rights of men. So long as the government fulfils this purpose, the laws given by it are valid and binding but, when it ceases to fulfil it, then the laws would have no validity and the government can be thrown out of power. In Locke’s view, unlimited sovereignty is contrary to natural law.Locke continued to support for a constitutionally limited government. And as such his life liberty and property arguments greatly dominated and influenced the declaration of American independence of 1776 Rousseau in 1762 stated that state, law and government were interchangeable ideas. He wrote ‘The Social Contract’ stating that it was a ‘hypothetical construction of reason’. Rousseau’s view places itself between Locke’s constitutionalism and Hobbes’ absolutism and gives strong reason for observation to the essays argument as this argument and theory on natural law is centred around the liberties and freedoms of the individual. This in turn gave inspiration to American and French revolutions. Rousseau writes that the life in the State of Nature was happy and there was equality among men, yet eventually with population increased, the means by which people could satisfy their needs had to change. Individuals became families, families became communities. Communities caused labour division. This led to reward difference and resulted in envy pride and contempt. The most important creation was of private property which he states is the one tur ning point from a pure state into a greedy, competitive, vain and unequal society. This is to say the creation of property was the complete and utter destruction of the state of nature. The individual surrendered their rights to the community as a whole, which he came to state as ‘general will’. Through social contract, a new form of social organisation – the state- was formed to assure and guarantee rights, liberties, freedom and equality. State and law were the product of the general will of the people. General will was the will of the majority which must be blindly followed as it is supreme.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Movement of Pigment thro

Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Movement of Pigment through Cell Membranes INTRODUCTION: The aim of experiment is to prove that temperature effects on a proteins in cell membranes so that pigment can pass through them HYPOTHESIS: On higher temperatures proteins in membranes denature so there is no barrier to prevent the passage of large molecules THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: Certain chemicals and treatments, such as ethanol or high temperatures, can destroy the partial permeability of cell membrane. The membranes are still present but behave as if holes have been punched through them and they no longer provide barrier to the passage of large molecules such as sucrose. High temperatures and alcohols denature membrane proteins and increase fluidity of membrane lipids; alcohols at high concentrations can also dissolve lipids. In beetroot cells the red anthocyanin pigment occurs in the vacuoles. Each vacuole is surrounded by a tonoplast membrane and outside of it, the cytoplasm is surrounded by the plasma membrane. On higher temperatures proteins loose their ability of control the transport through cell so any large molecule can pass trough. APPARATUS AND MATERIALS:  ¨ Test tube rack with 10 test tubes  ¨ Graduated syringe  ¨ Scalpel  ¨ Cork borer  ¨ Stop watch  ¨ Forceps  ¨ Colorimeter  ¨ Tap root of beetroot  ¨ Distilled water SAFETY:  ¨ Carefully use cork borer and scalpel to prevent injuries by cutting  ¨ Use Bunsen burner with great precaution to prevent burns or lighting materials  ¨ Water in beaker is very hot so watch out that you don't spill it on you to prevent burns  ¨ Watch out that you don't break any glass apparatus to prevent cutting METHOD:  ¨ Using a cork borer and scalpel make 10 cylinders of beetroot of 5 cm length.  ¨ Heat 200 cm3 of water up to 85  ºC in 250 cm3 beaker (make sure that thermometer is in the water).  ¨ While heating, with a syringe, put 10 ml of distilled water in 10 test tubes and label them: 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 63, 60, 55, 50 and 45.  ¨ When 85 ºC temperature is reached remove the Bunsen burner and put one beetroot cylinder in the water and leave it there for exactly one minute.  ¨ After one minute use forceps to take it out and put it in a test tube marked 85.  ¨ Put some cold water in the beaker until 80  ºC is reached and t... ...tly changing. In some moments changing would stop but that isn't reliable sign that that is the right colour density because after couple of moments changing would start again. Solution is to use more sensitive equipment or to get colorimeter checked because it could be broken.  ¨ Fifth problem is in humane nature. During the test we had a good time so occasionally we forgot to take the beetroot out for few seconds longer than it should be. We didn't pay all attention to professor so we forgot to shake test tubes before we took the beetroot out. Also, I didn't take a paper with me during the colour test so when I got result, occasionally I would forget what it was while I was going back to my seat. Also there was some noise in the classroom so I could misunderstand my partners in the experiment when they came with result.  ¨ To be sure in experiment results the best thing is to repeat it at least once to increase the reliability of them. Now when I know the whole procedure of experiment, results in repetitive experiment should be more accurate. Also this is good background to compare how different concentrations of ethanol effect on the membrane permeability.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


THE EFFECT OF PEN HOLDING CONDITIONS ON THE HUMOUR RATING OF FUNNY CARTOONS ABSTRACT Previous research concerning the facial feedback hypothesis contends that manipulation of facial expression induces emotional arousal. The aim of the experiment was to determine whether holding a pen in the mouth in way that resembles certain facial expression effect humour rating of cartoons rated by participants under one of three conditions. A sample of 60 naà ¯ve second year students from Monash University was divided into the three treatment conditions to test the hypothesis. There were two separate hypotheses to be tested. Results were not statistically significant and alternative hypotheses were not supported however, results did indicate a trend supporting the notions of the hypotheses. Implications of this study show that there are trends to support the facial feedback hypothesis however, inconclusively. Future research should be undertaken to effectively ascertain the validity of the facial feedback hypothesis, an extension of the James – Lange theory of emotion. The James – Lange theory suggests that there are three stages related to the experience of an emotion. The first stage is the physiological response to the stimuli mediated by the autonomic nervous system and can include increased heart beat, sweat forming on the palms and similar symptoms. Following the physiological response is the emotional or cognitive aspect of actually realising the emotion which is then followed by the behavioural aspect which denotes what is actually done in response to the stimulus, for example running away. (Buck, 1980, p.811) The facial feedback hypothesis is an extension of the James – Lange theory of emotion and contends that emotions are the result of physiological input rather than physiological reactions being the result of experienced emotions. According to the theory, feedback is taken from muscle activity in the body and is then interpreted by the brain and translated into the feeling of various emotions. For example, rather than a smile being elicited from a feeling of happiness, the facial feedback hypothesis suggests that it is the smile which has caused the feeling of happiness. (Dalton, 2000, p.60) In the past there has been research carried out to test the validity of the facial feedback hypothesis. Laird (1974, cited in Strack, Martin & Stepper. 198... ...tional responses. Consequently, it is important that further research be undertaken to replicate past research and improve the ability to generalize results to the given population. REFERENCES Buck, R. (1980). Nonverbal behavior and the theory of emotion: The facial feedback hypothesis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 38, 811-824 Izard, C. E. (1990). The Substrates and Functions of Emotion Feelings: William James and Current Emotion Theory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 16, 626-635 Larsen, R. J. (1992). Facilitating the Furrowed Brow: An Unobtrusive Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis Applied to Unpleasant Affect. Journal of cognition and emotion, 6, 321-338 Strack, F., Martin, L., Stepper, S. (1988). Inhibiting and Facilitating Conditions of the Human Smile: A Nonobtrusive Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis. Journal of personality and social psychology, 54, 768-777 Dalton, T. (2000). The developmental roots of consciousness and emotional experience. Consciousness & Emotion, 1, 55-89 Winton, W. (1986). The role of facial response in self-reports of emotion: A critique of Laird. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 50, 808-812

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ethical dilemma in nursing profession Essay

Ethical dilemma in nursing profession Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethics is the study of sensible reckoning. Nurses face ethical dilemmas on their every day practices. Ethical behavior depends on many factors. What one person regard as moral may be different from another person’s approach of the situation? Nurses face ethical dilemma regardless of where they function in wide-ranging roles. These ethical decisions can have an impact to the nurses as well as their patients. In general, there is no appropriate resolution to a moral dilemma. An ethical dilemma can be defined as a quandary without agreeable solution. The importance of ethical decision making depend on the notion that regardless of many ethical choices made concerning a given ethical dilemma, the resultant choice can pose to neither right nor wrong decision. Ethics involve doing right and causing no impairment. However, definition of ethics varies from one nurse to the other. Ethical guideline classes provide the nurse with appropriate tools to base moral decisions upon. Though, these principles are usually shaped by the beliefs, values and knowledge of the nurse. Accordingly, various choices may be raised regarding the identical impasse (Martin & Solomon, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are various ethical concerns that nurses can come across in the place of work. They include: freedom versus control, quality versus quantity of life, truth telling versus deception, pro-choice versus pro-life, empirical knowledge versus personal beliefs, and distribution of resources. Quantity might focus on an individual life span while quantity focuses on the number of people who will be influenced by the judgment. Quality address the goodness of life of a person, but it varies depending on how an individual defines â€Å"good†. For example; the nurse’s position in supporting the patient deciding among a therapy that will lengthen life, but comprehending the quality of life. The patient’s life may be extended, but will experience major undesirable effects from the therapy. Nurses are called upon to use ethical perceptions in delivering patient care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethical perceptions include provision of correct, good and rational care. Patients necessitate to be offered prospects to put across their freedom of preference in determining how they desire to be attended and in acquiring services. Ethical nurses recognize that they are obliged to offer individualized care which will help the patient to achieve their highest welfare. Ethical nursing care is based on rational decision making and science. There are four central concepts which are significant to a proficient nursing practice. They include: respect for patient self-rule, the task to operate with generosity, no mischief and justice. Nurses provide respect to the patient self-rule by enhancing and recognizing a patient’s freedom of preference, respect their opinions, and providing privacy. The National League for Nursing issued a statement which highlights patient rights. Nurses are expected to encourage the rights of patients and advoc ate for patient’s who are unaware of their rights (Pattison, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nurses demonstrate generosity by helping patients to attain their highest welfare. This can be attained by developing health care policies that affect large population or provision of direct care to individual patients. Nurses are not allowed to cause any impairment to their patients. This is the principal of non-mischief. Nurses often do have to carry out operations which make the patients uncomfortable. For example, when a nurse is administering an injection to the patient. Patients need medication to relief the sicknesses, though, in the process of relieving the symptom, the nurse might cause a discomfort. Non-mischief must be balanced by kindness, while providing patient care. The objective of the nurse provides a treatment whose benefit must outweigh the discomfort caused. The nurse objective must be to help rather than causing harm. Fairness and justice in nursing care is usually linked to the delivery of services. The current health care reform strategy is an end result of people acknowledging that the present health care system requires restructuring. Controversy arises over what is reasonable, fair, and economically realistic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nurses are involved at every phase of current health care system, assisting with policy development and decision making. Professionals propose that nursing concept of ethical care is exceptional case and needs serious implementation throughout the nursing practice. It is related to medical model of ethics since it deals with lie and death matters. The nursing model is one of the personal patient empowerment. Ethical nurses direct health care reform plan which put emphasis on healing even in situations where curing is impossible. It position quality of life at the front line. Ethical dilemmas which the nurses face everyday are very diverse. They include assorted topics such as end of life care and staffing ratios (Martin & Solomon, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nurses might face ethical dilemma as they attend patients with disabilities which might position them at risk for self-harm. For instance, an elderly patient might be willing to stroll without regulation. The nurse desires to promote patient autonomous, though the possibility of patient harm because of falling may be large. The dilemma is how to balance the contrasting situations. The nurse is in a dilemma to decide which one is more significant between safety and independence. Each family, patient and health care staff faces these challenges in daily basis. Significant challenges may be experienced by nurses operating with parents who have infants with mental or physical disabilities. The nurse is left to decide whether it is ethical to subject the infant to an untested process which will inflict pain if it provides them with single chance of survival. The nurses have to decide whether it is ethical to prolong life while the quality of li fe is being comprehended.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Recent research findings reveal that, nurses as caregivers central to health care, face an increasing rate of ethical dilemma. The technology is helping patients to survive serious sicknesses. However, recent studies reveal that people are surviving, but they are not living decent lives. Nurses have a task of executing clinical and educational operations which deal with the issue that professional care provides. The other dilemma is that there are inadequate health care resources across the world. The resources are also not equally distributed. The nurses are left to ensure that there is equitable distribution of health care resources. Patients from diverse cultures and personal experiences may present with different opinions of what is moral. The nurse can serve as resource to make sure that every individual feels that their opinions were considered. They have to decide who should get the inadequate resources? For instance, nurses working with patients living in vegetative state; nurses decide whether these patients should be left on life maintenance? The overheads of sustaining these patients are high. The patients might be consuming possessions that could be utilized by patients whom such expensive interventions, if accessible, could set aside their lives. The dilemma is determining the position of the nurse when a family wishes to go on with life hold up for a medically ineffective patient. Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pro-choice versus pro-life: This concern impinge on nurses in person. Scores of the positions that the nurses are working in this dilemma depend on their own thinking and principles. The question is how good should a nurse attend a patient, who procured an abortion, while the nurse regards abortion as killing? Whether there is possibility of that nurse with very divergent principles support that patient’s freedom to choose her independence?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freedom versus control: whether a patient has the freedom to make preferences on their own that are likely to harm them, or should the nurse put off this option? For instance, a patient wishes to impede eating, but the nurse recognizes the consequences will impair the patient. The dilemma is whether the nurse has the â€Å"right† to make the patient eat food cogently.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Truth telling versus dishonesty: This is an additional problem that nurses may possibly have to cope with, particularly when families wish to refute telling the patient the fact about the medical stipulation. The ethical concern is what a nurse should do when family members persist telling the patient the diagnosis will cause impairment? How can a nurse recognize if this is correct? Whether the patient has the right to identify?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pragmatic knowledge versus personal belief: In this impasse, evidence based experience in nursing practice is compared to beliefs got from such issues as religious values. For instance, what the nurse is expected to do when a patient who has been admitted to a hospital that urgently needs a transfusion to survive though the patient has the conviction that transfusions are improper? The nurse recognizes this patient will pass out devoid of the transfusion. The question is how the nurse lays an emphasis if the patient’s members insist on the patient’s option and still be compassionate of the family’s and patient’s right to this verdict?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethical dilemmas in nursing occur in their daily practices whereby they are required to make decisions. The resolutions made will be determined by so many aspects including ethics educated in school and their individual values, beliefs and knowledge. The issue is that the choice might be neither right nor wrong. This leaves the nurses at a dilemma since they have to make decisions based on the situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ethical issues in nursing must be addressed depending on the changes that are occurring in the economy. Nurses and patient family members among other community factors determine whether the patient will get the maximum well being. However, ethics require that the nurse should not harm the patient. The nurse faces hard moment to decide between what is moral and the impact of the verdict. Nurses care for the patients by acknowledging their personal strongholds, motivations and other supportive resources. The nurse is also required to give comfort and guidance to enable the patient and their families to deal with short-run and long-term problems. Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most crucial resources that a nurse can provide to a patient are the appropriate information regarding their treatment and conditions and the approach of coping with both. Anxiety reduction is also crucial in nursing profession, where the nurse is supposed to answer the patient’s questions in an honest way. On the other hand, the patient’s families may insist that the nurse should not disclose the information to the patient. Thus, nurses are left to make decisions based on ethical principles. The decisions made by nurses have an impact to the nurses themselves as well as the patient and their families (Pattison, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Various ethical theories subsist, though none of the ethical principles, theories, or decision-making plan provides a supreme guide to first-rate action. They do, nevertheless, provide a structure for working through resolutions by seeking to describe the limits of ethically satisfactory behavior and by explicating guidelines for making judgment within those restrictions. In other terms, they facilitate the decision making procedure, but does not the precise decision to be made.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, ethical principles are very significant in the nursing practices since they guide the nurses to make their every day decisions. The nurses, however, face ethical dilemma since they are not able to decide whether they are not able to determine whether their decision is either right or wrong. Nursing is a profession that requires a lot of decision making since they are working to save patient lives, though they are required to make decisions depending on the code of ethics. References Major Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2014, from Martin, C. W., Vaught, W., & Solomon, R. C. (2010). Ethics across the professions: a reader for professional ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. Nursing Ethics – Ethical Dilemma Faced By Nurses Everyday. (n.d.). Nursing Ethics – Ethical Dilemma Faced By Nurses Everyday. Retrieved June 8, 2014, from Pattison, S. (2010). Emerging values in health care the challenge for professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Source document